
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Evolution of the User Interface

When developing older systems,analytics typically designed all the printed and screen output first, then worked on the input necessaries to produce the results. Often the user interface mainly consisted of process and control screen that allowed the user to send commands to the system. The approach worked with traditional systems that simply transformed input data into structured output.
As information management evolved from centralized data processing to dynamic,enterprise wide systems themselves. The Information Technology Group department to the user themselves. The Information Technology Group became a supplier of information technology rather than supplier of information.
Today the main focus is an on user within and outside the company, how to they communicate with the information system .How the system process support the firms business operations.The Information Technology department which was the main inrface for user information requests has been become a system facilitator that maintains and support the the info system for its users.

In a user interface system,the distinction blurs between input abd output interface itself. Most users work forwith the varied mix of input,screen,output and data queries as they perform their day to day job functions.All those queries interactions with the computer systems.

SAD: Information of User Interface Design

Although output design involves a separate set of physical design issues, it’s an integral part of a larger concept called a user interface. A user Interface describes how to users intract with a computer system, hardware, software, output, function and features that affect two way communications between the user and computer.

system analysis and design
system analysis and design
system analysis and design